Tennessee Valley Fly Fishers
Huntsville, AL

Monthly Meetings: The primary club event is the monthly meeting normally every 3rd Thursday at 7:00 P.M. (6:30 Fish Tales and Friends). We encourage you to join us, all are welcome.
Fly Tying: Held twice per month, every 2nd and 4th Thursday. We meet to tie flys. This a social event as well as a learning experience .
Training: Fly fishing training events such as casting, fly tying, and rod building classes.
Library: We maintain a library of fly fishing related books, maps, and videos in both VHS tape and DVD formats. Subjects include fly fishing, how-to books, etc. The library also includes fly tying sets, foam cutters, etc. for loan to members.
Outings & Trips: (Club organized). During the year the club will organize fishing trips to local and regional fishing venues.
Swap Meets: Unload your junk! At least once a year we will get together to swap and sell gear that we can’t use and others value.
TVFF Banquet and Auction: Our annual event in the fall is a highlight of the year. We have an excellent catered meal followed by a very entertaining auction. This is the primary fundraising event for our club.
Support of FFi: Members attend and participate in regional FFi events. We encourage our members to join and support the FFi.
Education: In addition to our internal educations programs, we have outreach education programs in the community.
Conservation: The club supports local and national conservation efforts through individual donations and participation and through club donations and participation. We take on a project each year.
Community Support: We typically participate in community outdoor sport events. We also offer training to community groups such as souting.
Board of Directors Meetings: A BOD meeting, open to all members,will be held on the 1st Thursdays of February, May, August and November in our normal meeting place at 7:00 P.M. All members are welcome to attend. Minutes will be made available via the newsletter and website.